Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010

Business vs. Leisure Travelers

Tourism and Business Applications
Last session in Tourism Business Applications we spoke basically about two types of travelers:
·       The business traveler
·       The leisure traveler
The main differences between those two regarding the hotel decision is that business travelers often do not made “travel decisions” by themselves but their offices do it.
On average business travelers are better educated and can handle computers better.
Leisure travelers needed more time to use the Internet for independent traveling, but nowadays in North America and Europe the “independent leisure travel” dominates as a cause of the arousal of the increasing Internet use.
People use the Internet for Travel Planning issues;
They want to
·       Get information about destinations
·       Search for accommodiations
Interesting points:
·       Half of online travel planners are baby boomers, who take on average 10 leisure trips a year
·       Still WOM is influencing online travel planners

I think that both leisure and business travelers are aware of the increasing importance of the internet. They don’t only want to find the cheapest offers, they also looking for the best suitable offer for them.
Till next week

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